Saturday, January 1, 2022


Freedom13, a nonprofit 501C3, functions to keep children safe online and out of minor sex trafficking through education and awareness. Directors Gene and Sandy Hill provide free presentations to adults and youth to arm them with the information needed for safety and protection. Check these out on our EVENTS page.

Click on our BLOG page for recent news and current issues. Here are highlights:

  • From October 2021 to March 2023, the FBI and Homeland Security Investigations received over 13,000 reports of online financial sextortion of minors. (Freedom13 thinks this is the tip of the iceberg.) The sextortion involved at least 12,600 victims—primarily boys—and led to at least 20 suicides.
  • A Snapchat survey found half of the criminals use fake identities, develop a relationship, ask for a nude photo, and then demand money. The other half of criminals simply hack social media websites to get nude photos teens have sent to each other.
  • Independent researchers found that in the first nine months of 2023, 113,000 deepfake images were uploaded to 35 different websites— a 54% increase from all of 2022.
  • Thirty-two states (including Washington) passed laws penalizing the dissemination of nonconsensual AI-generated pornographic materials, according to data from MultiState. These laws combat the explosive growth of people downloading photos of girls and women and then using available AI to alter the image to show the female nude.




Friday, October 2, 2020

New Book Coming in October


Gene and Sandy authored a book about domestic minor sex trafficking and how parents can keep their children safe on the Internet including a section on virtual schools. It also recommends changes to smartphones and websites to make children safe. Lastly, it reviews proposed laws.

Parents, Technology, Lawmakers, Let's Keep Children Safe on the Internet! Best Practices to Fight Sex Trafficking will be available at this month, October 2020.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

27 Reasons to Monitor Your Kids Online


Ohio just caught 27 men who thought they were coming to a house to have sex with a child. Statistics were men in their twenties - 26%, thirties - 41%, and forties - 30%.